Annual reporting published

15 Nov 2024 Reports, News, Inspector of Detention Services


The Office of the Queensland Ombudsman tabled in parliament its:

First IDS annual operational report

The IDS annual operational report highlights significant milestones achieved since operations fully commenced on 1 July 2023.

Under the Inspector of Detention Services Act 2022 (IDS Act), the Queensland Ombudsman, Mr Anthony Reilly, is also the Inspector of Detention Services (Inspector). 

The goal of the IDS Act is promoting the humane treatment of detainees and the prevention of harm through reviews, inspections and independent reporting. This includes all community corrections centres, prisons, watch-houses, work camps or youth detention centres.

In the first year of operation IDS has:

The IDS annual operational report highlights recommendations made in the Cleveland Youth Detention Centre inspection report, which found that children who are under separation while detained in youth detention centres have fewer legislated safeguards than adults detained in prison.

“The Cleveland Youth Detention Centre inspection report, includes a recommendation that the Queensland Government amends the Youth Justice Act 1992 to address this inequity and protect children,” said Mr Reilly.

The IDS annual operational report sits alongside the annual report, which includes financial and non-financial performance reporting, organisational information and governance arrangements for the whole organisation.

Office of the Queensland Ombudsman Annual Report 2023–24

The Office’s annual report, highlights achievements for the financial year ending 30 June 2024. This report assesses the financial and non-financial performance against the objectives and performance indicators set out in the Strategic Plan 2023–27.

We continued to deliver services that improve public administration through an integrated, multilayered strategy that includes guides, checklists, newsletters, videos, training, officer networks and advisory services.

This year is a significant milestone for the Office, marking 50 years of service to the community.

Over 50 years, the Office has undertaken thousands of investigations that has contributed to the improvement of public administration in Queensland. Today, as well as offering a free, impartial and confidential service to individuals raising concerns about administrative processes, the Office also provides guidance on agency complaint-handling, oversees public information disclosures and is the Inspector of Detention Services for Queensland.

Last updated: Friday, 31 January 2025 3:10:41 PM