Publication scheme

Our publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely available from the Office. It has been developed to give the community greater access to information held by government organisations. There is no charge for providing copies of the information contained in the publication scheme. Information in our publication scheme is grouped and accessible through seven classes:

About us

Our core business is complaints management and we exist to ensure that Queensland Government organisations act lawfully and fairly in their dealings with the community and are accountable for their actions.

Read more about us.

Our services

We have three main roles:

  1. To give people a timely, effective and independent way to have administrative actions of agencies investigated
  2. To improve the quality of decision-making and administrative practice in government agencies
  3. Oversight of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010.

We investigate complaints about the actions and decisions of state government departments, local councils and public authorities.  Our complaints assessment and investigation service is free and independent.

Read more about what we do

Our finances

Financial reporting information is available in a number of publications. Our annual report provides a summary of our financial and corporate performance for the year. The report enables the Queensland community and government to assess our financial and operational performance.

The Service Delivery Statement (SDS) provides the community and other interested parties with information on how we propose to use our financial resources and the outcomes to be achieved in the following financial year. The SDS also provides a summary of achievements against the previous year's published budget and planned outcomes.

Our priorities

We demonstrate our priorities and accountability to parliament and the community through a number of corporate documents. Our services are aligned with our strategic objectives as outlined in our Strategic Plan.

Our decisions

Learn about the role of the Ombudsman, what we can help with and the complaint process.

Our policies

Our current policies are available on our website.

Our lists

Our lists include our gift register.

Open data

The Office is committed to open data. You can view our open data strategy here


If you would like to provide feedback about our publication scheme or make a complaint about the information available, please contact us.

Last updated: Friday, 31 January 2025 4:53:05 PM