Other complaint-handling organisations

We can investigate complaints about Queensland state government departments and agencies (including state schools and TAFE), local councils, and public universities. If we cannot investigate your complaint, there are other organisations that may be able to help.

How to complain to us, and a list of common complaints bodies that may be able to help you. Who do I complain to? (PDF 145.5KB)

Other complaint-handling organisations table
Topic Relating to:
Banking, finance, insurance or superannuation Bank, credit union or financial services provider, insurance, tax/BAS agent or adviser, bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation or superannuation
Commonwealth government Commonwealth government department or agency, including Centrelink, Child Support Agency and Department of Home Affairs, Australia Post, Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
Corrupt conduct Corrupt conduct by a public officer or police misconduct
Consumer and commercial issues Product or service bought or rented from a business, unsafe consumer product, scams, ride sharing, private individual or neighbourhood dispute (including dividing fences and trees), builder, licensed tradesperson or building certifier, solicitor, barrister or legal firm, advertising on commercial television, radio and pay TV, content on radio or television station
Discrimination, sexual harassment, victimisation, vilification, reprisal Discrimination on the basis of sex, relationship status, pregnancy, parental status, breastfeeding, age, race, impairment, religious belief or religious activity, political belief or activity, trade union activity, lawful sexual activity, gender identity, sexuality, family responsibilities; sexual harassment; victimisation; vilification on the basis of race, religion, sexuality or gender identity; reprisal for a public interest disclosure
Electricity and gas Electricity provider including Energy Queensland (formerly Energex and Ergon Energy), Bottled gas (LPG), reticulated gas (delivered by pipe)
Private health care, private hospital, aged care or health insurance Private health services provided by registered and unregistered health practitioners, Medicare, aged care service provider, private health insurance
Private education or training provider Independent schools (non-government schools that are not part of the Catholic school system), Catholic schools, private education provider with overseas students, private training organisations and colleges
Private employment, apprenticeships or traineeships Superannuation contribution not paid by employer, taxation, payment of wages, awards, dismissal and workplace disputes, workplace health and safety, apprenticeships and traineeships, private training organisation and colleges
Real estate, rental property or body corporate Body corporate of a multi-unit dwelling (example, a block of units), real estate agent or agency, private tenancy issue (including rental bonds)
Right to information or privacy Access to and amendment of information held by government and public sector agencies in Queensland; breach of the privacy principles that govern how Queensland government agencies collect, store, use and disclose personal information
Telephone or internet Telephone or internet, including NBN
Tertiary education

 Complaints from students of higher education providers across Queensland on matters including:

  • racism
  • racial vilification
  • gender-based violence
  • disciplinary procedures
  • deferred or supplementary exams
  • review of grade
  • exclusion due to unsatisfactory course attendance by international students
  • exclusion due to unsatisfactory academic progress
  • withdrawal without academic and/or financial penalty
  • refund of fees to international students. 
Tolling Toll matters, Demand Notices or Penalty Infringement Notices

There are a number of other independent integrity organisations in Queensland.  


Other complaint-handling organisations Role table
Organisation Role
Integrity Commissioner Advice to ministers, members of parliament, Queensland Public Service chief executives and senior executives
National Student Ombudsman Provide an independent national resolution service for students to resolve complaints about the actions of their higher education provider.
Public Sector Commission Information for employees, executives and managers in the Queensland public service about performance and development, employment, workplace behaviour, guidelines, directives
Queensland Audit Office Independent assessment of the financial management-related activities of public sector entities
Queensland Human Rights Commission Independent statutory body established under the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991.  Handles complaints and training on discrimination, vilification, victimisation and sexual harassment, under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld).


Last updated: Monday, 3 February 2025 1:49:08 PM