Public Interest Disclosure Policy and Procedure 2024

Policy and Procedure for dealing with Public Interest Disclosures made under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010


The Office of the Queensland Ombudsman (the Office) is committed to fostering an ethical, transparent culture. In pursuit of this, the Office values the disclosure of information about suspected wrongdoing in the public sector so that it can be properly assessed and, if necessary, appropriately investigated. The Office will provide support to any employee, public officer or other person who makes a disclosure about matters in the public interest.

This Policy and Procedure demonstrates this commitment, and ensures that practical and effective procedures are implemented which comply with the requirements of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 (PID Act).

This Policy and Procedure applies to anyone, including Ombudsman officers, wishing to make a public interest disclosure. 

This Policy and Procedure has been prepared to comply with section 28 of the PID Act. This Policy and Procedure complies with the Public Interest Disclosure Standards issued by the Queensland Ombudsman as the oversight agency under the PID Act.

What does the procedure cover?

The following information is included in the Policy and Procedure (PDF 260.9KB):

  • Policy statement
  • Purpose
  • PID Management Program
  • Why make a PID?
  • What is a Public Interest Disclosure?
  • Who can a PID be disclosed to?
  • How to make a PID
  • Deciding whether a matter is a PID
  • Assessing a PID
  • Referring a PID
  • Risk assessment and protection from reprisal
  • Declining to take action on a PID
  • Communication with disclosers
  • Confidentiality
  • Support for disclosers
  • Taking action on a PID
  • Rights of subject officers
  • Record-keeping
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Definitions (meanings of words and acronyms used in this Policy and Procedure)
  • Relevant Legislation
  • Related Policies and Procedures
  • Supporting information
  • Version control.

The Policy and Procedure was approved by Anthony Reilly, Queensland Ombudsman, on 30 July 2024.

PID Coordinator

For more information about the Policy and Procedure or to make a Public Interest Disclosure about the Office, contact the Office’s PID Coordinator:

Attention: PID Coordinator
Deputy Ombudsman
GPO Box 3314
Brisbane QLD 4001

Phone: (07) 3005 7040


Last updated: Wednesday, 7 August 2024 1:57:56 PM