Strategic review

A strategic review of the Office of the Queensland Ombudsman (the Office) is required every five years (Ombudsman Act 2001s 83(2)).

The reviewer is appointed by the Governor-in-Council, with input from the Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee and the Ombudsman.  

At the end of the review process, the reviewer provides a draft report to the Ombudsman and the relevant Minister, the Attorney-General. The Ombudsman has 21 days to respond to the report.

The reviewer then finalises the report of the strategic review and presents it to the Ombudsman and the Minister. The report must be tabled in parliament by the Minister within three sitting days after receiving it.

2018 Strategic Review Report

The Queensland Ombudsman Strategic Review Report was tabled in parliament on 15 February 2018.

2012 Strategic Review Report

The Queensland Ombudsman Strategic Review Report was tabled in parliament on 17 May 2012.

2006 Strategic Review Report

The Queensland Ombudsman Strategic Review Report was tabled in parliament on 11 May 2006. 

Last updated: Friday, 31 May 2024 12:34:51 PM