Evaluating your public interest disclosure procedure framework

The purpose of the PID Act is to facilitate the disclosure of information about wrongdoing in the public sector and provide protection for those who make disclosures.

The main objects of the PID Act are:

  • To promote the public interest by facilitating public interest disclosure of wrongdoing in the public sector
  • To ensure PIDs are properly assessed and, when appropriate, properly investigated and dealt with
  • To ensure appropriate consideration is given to the interests of persons who are the subject of a PID (the subject officer)
  • To afford protection form reprisals to persons making PIDs.

PID procedure requirements

Section 28 of the PID Act mandates public sector entity's procedure must reflect the above objectives and ensure that:

  • public officers who make public interest disclosures (PIDs) are given appropriate support
  • PIDs are properly assessed and dealt with
  • appropriate action is taken in relation to wrongdoing that is the subject of a PID
  • a PID management plan consistent with the PID standards is developed and implemented
  • public officers are offered protection from reprisal, and
  • be published and readily accessible on a public website.

The Queensland Ombudsman Model PID procedure is available to assist agencies reviewing or drafting their PID procedure. 

PID standards

The Queensland Ombudsman has developed the following three PID standards which public entities must comply with when preparing for and responding to a PID:

PID procedure - Self assessment checklist

Last updated: Friday, 21 March 2025 11:55:08 AM