How to access information

Administrative access policy

We have an administrative access policy which aims to make it easier, faster and cheaper for complainants to access certain documents. Complainants may apply for administrative access to:

  • all the documents they have given to the Office
  • all the documents the Office has given to them.

There is no fee for administrative access.

If you would like to apply for administrative access to documents, please provide us with the following information in writing.

  • which documents you want
  • how you would like the documents delivered (by email, to a street or postal address or left for collection at our reception desk)
  • a certified copy of one of your identity documents (the administrative access policy has more information about this.)

You can lodge your administrative access request by email or post. Please address your request to the RTI/Privacy Co-ordinator.

If you have any questions about how to request administrative access to documents, please contact us.

Accessing information under the Information Privacy Act 2009 and the Right to Information Act 2009

Our Office has its own Right to information and information privacy policy and procedures. You can apply to access information held by the Office under the Information Privacy Act 2009 and the Right to Information Act 2009. General information about how to make applications is also available from the Office of the Information Commissioner.

Information privacy

If the documents you want are only the ones that contain your personal information, you can make an information privacy application (PDF 207.8KB). There is no application fee, although there may be access charges. Further information about processing and access charges can be found here.

Right to information

If you want to apply for non-personal information, you can make a right to information application (PDF 207.8KB). There is an application fee and there may also be processing and access charges. Further information about processing and access charges can be found here.

The Office of the Queensland Ombudsman does not accept payment by credit card. The preferred method of payment is direct deposit to the Office bank account using the details below. Payment through the post using a cheque (payable to Queensland Ombudsman) will also be accepted. Please do not send cash via post.

Account name: Queensland Ombudsman
BSB: 064-013
Account number: 1000 0724
Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Reference: "RTI-[your name]"

You can lodge your application by email or post. Please make your application attention RTI/Privacy Co-ordinator. 

We have policies relating to information privacy and right to information applications. If you have any questions about how to make an application, please contact us.

Amending personal information

If you believe your personal information held by the Office is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading, you can apply to have it amended by completing the personal information amendment application form.

You can lodge your application form by email or post. Please make your application attention RTI/Privacy Co-ordinator.

Disclosure log

Our disclosure log lists non-personal information released since 1 July 2007. Some documents may have details removed, or pages that are blank, because the information is either irrelevant or exempt from disclosure.

No documents have been considered suitable for inclusion on the disclosure log since 2011.

Most documents that have been released contain personal information and are therefore not suitable to be published on the disclosure log.


Last updated: 17December2024