
Venue Conference Room 1, Ground Floor, Mike Ahern Building,

12 First Avenue, Maroochydore, QLD, Australia

Session 18 Feb 2020
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
14 Feb 2020 at 04:00 PM
Price Non Member $451.00 includes GST

Payment is required at time of registration. Please have your credit card handy prior to starting the registration form.

Any problems, please email our Training team.

Complaints Management Training (North Coast Region)


Learn how to handle complaints better and help stop complaints escalating in your agency with the complaints management training course. Choose between a half-day course for frontline staff and a full-day course for officers who are responsible for reviewing complaints.

Frontline staff

Designed for officers at the frontline, this course covers why people complain and how to manage complaints. The course also shows how complaints can improve the quality of service and how a proper complaints system can benefit you and your agency.

At the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • assess complaints at the frontline
  • apply strategies to manage complaints
  • understand the importance of keeping records
  • relate your agency’s policies and procedures to real-life scenarios.    

Internal review staff

The full-day course builds on the material covered in the half-day course. It helps internal review officers, investigators, human resource staff, managers and directors and other officers who review complaints, identify the principles underpinning reviews of complaints, and apply these to plan, progress and manage a review of a complaint.

Group activities and scenarios are conducted throughout the day to reinforce the principles of conducting internal reviews.

At the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • identify your authority to review, refuse and remedy a complaint
  • understand how to identify complaint issues and evaluate the relevant facts
  • provide meaningful responses to people making a complaint.